8(a) STARS III Pricing Tool
Awarded labor rates beyond Contract Year 5
All 8(a) STARS III contracts provide for an annual price escalation of 2.06%; so awarded labor rates beyond contract year 5 can be calculated by escalating year 5 rates by 2.06% annually.
Depending on the amount of data requested, this might take a few seconds or several minutes. This dialog box will dismiss itself once requested data has been downloaded. Dismissing this dialog box will cancel this request and reset the data table. Please wait&help;
One or more of the following errors might have occurred:
- There is no data to be saved to Excel. Please first select some prices.
- Session has expired.
- Trying to download too many prices. Maximum allowed 500,000.
Please fix these errors and try again. If the problem persists, please contact the help desk. 8(a) STARS III (877)327-8732 s3@gsa.gov
Enable any DOM element to be droppable, a target for draggable elements.